8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Website
8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Website

Benefits of a Website for Business. Do you know, what are the benefits of a website for a business and business continuity? Of course we agree, there are so many benefits. Speaking of the condition of SMEs and beginners, we should be grateful, now more and more entrepreneurs are already internet literate. Even many business owners can create their own websites and have a team to manage their business websites.

In the past, there were still many small business owners who thought that having a website for their business was not that important. Because they still think that making a website is expensive and not yet included in their business budget. There is also a reason because his business does not use a computer, then the website is not needed.

Um, in my opinion, this is a misunderstanding.

Benefits Of The Website For Business And Business Continuity
website benefits for businessWell, here are 8 reasons why your business needs a website, and what are the benefits of a website for business , no matter what the size of your business. Because, now is the era of information, the era of openness and ease of communication.

Keep listening ...

1. Increase The Credibility Of Small Businesses

Today, more and more consumers are using the internet to find the product or service they need.

Your small business will get credibility by having a website. Without a website, potential customers will go to your competitors who have a website.

If you already have a website but it's still what it is, it's a good idea to redesign it with a more professional look, so that it will provide a greater level of trust in your business.

For a home business , this is very profitable because you don't have to have an offline shop (physical store) to promote a product or service.

2. Save Money

As a small business owner, you might think that you have not been able to create a professional website.

However, try to compare it with advertising costs in newspapers, when you can see the potential market that you can reach with a website, it is a very effective way to promote your business.

Although the cost of building a website varies, a website for small businesses generally costs under Rp. 500,000 per month. And it will be even more efficient if converted annually.

3. Always Connect With Customers

Try to imagine your website as an online brochure or catalog.

It is much easier and faster to update information about products and services on your site than in printed material, so this is an effective way to inform your customers about the arrival of new products, upcoming events, special promotions, or new services that you are offering .

Unlike print advertisements that quickly become obsolete, your website can provide information that is always up-to-date.

4. Easy To Access

A website can be accessed by yourself and potential customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

They can comfortably see your products and services when the offline store or office is closed.

With a lifestyle that is always busy in the present, this is a big selling point when making purchasing decisions.

5. Reaching Broader Target Market

Both selling products and services, the website will always be an attractive alternative place to promote it.

As a retailer of a product, an eCommerce website or online store , is a great place to promote your product to a wider market, because your product can be accessed and viewed globally.

Eits, but wait, do not rush to think that you can not sell products or services online. Even cars and houses can be sold online you know!

6. Means Of Product And Service Catalog (Portfolio)

No matter what type of business you are in, a website is a great place to showcase your work.

By entering a product portfolio or photo gallery, as well as testimonials about your work, you can show what makes your business unique.

7. Save Time

Did you know, providing information to customers will require time, whether by telephone, face to face, through brochures, or in e-mail.

With an online catalog, you can provide a lot of information about your products and services.

Once your website is complete, your website can be accessed by your customers indefinitely, and greatly saves your time.

Yes, and time is money!

8. Improve Customer Service

For example, maybe you sell environmentally friendly products and want to share tips on how to recycle.

Or for example, maybe you are an accountant and want to give your clients advice on how to simplify their bookkeeping practices. Now, by adding a question and answer page, writing articles and blogs, or providing newsletter info to answer all your customer's questions, it can keep customers up-to-date.

Now, about, is there a better way to provide this plus-plus service than sharing information on your website? Hmmm, you already know the answer.

Thus, some of the benefits of having a website